Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What in the World?

Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE Kelis. Let's face it the woman has edge- she is an artist/chef(love it btw!)/mother/fashionista who dares to be different in everything that she does. I ride hard for this woman I'm pretty certain I can sing along with most of her music and in my mind she is my best friend because I feel like we both have many sides/personalities to us that makes it difficult for anyone to truly understand us. Anywho, I usually love to see this woman grace an event to see her fabulousness, but as of late even I have to question what her love of "fashion". I tried to dismiss this foolishness as a phase of some sort, however in between me reading an article in which she states that she woke up wanting to look like a wolf and the armadilla shoes I can't and I will not. It is unfortunate when a friend calls me, ignoring any kind of greeting to say "Get your friend please, she looks a mess" (reiterate: Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE Kelis). I must admit that I immediately knew who she was speaking of and said something along the lines of...Girl, I can't even defend her on that one. Kelis I know that your style is ever evolving, but I don't need you to morph into a wolf or the statue of liberty, I love and appreciate you simply as Kelis.

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