Monday, March 29, 2010


Kelis - Acapella
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I've been waiting months for this video and I must say that I love it, especially the ending. My reading: She is a fierce warrior that doesn't allow life's disappointments to get the best of her and a is proud mum who embraces the happiness that motherhood brings. Lovely ode to her child, awesome video concept. Kelis rocks.   

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dis Riddim I Love

I'm ashamed to say that I never heard this song until a few days ago, but I've been playing it repeatedly as it is so enchanting. This song is perfect for those with a significant other of some sort, especially on a rainy night like tonight. Barrington Levy is an awesome artist, so have a listen.

After Winter...NYC Folk

Pollute the streets like roaches on the hunt for a meal.  Can you blame us? After so many cold,dreary weeks and multiple snowstorms the first break of warm temperatures and sunlight makes us lose our minds with glee.  I would be lying if I said that I didn't put on a mini-skirt to roam mid-town (I hate wearing excess clothing, the less the better). My little sister prided herself on the fact that she was my "protector" from "dirty men with lingering eyes or smart mouths"(she has a smart mouth herself, wonder where she got that from?)  I digress. I wanted to talk about the crazy things people do upon springs arrival.  For instance, we along with the rest of the city, spent most of the day in Central Park and I must say that I found it quite entertaining that people were ice skating in 70 degree weather.  I mean you could clearly see the ripples of the melting ice, but that didn't matter people were skating in shorts/tank-tops without a care. Several people even fell into the river that was being created, shook their wet bottoms and kept it moving. Perhaps, this is why I love this place...we could care less how foolish we look to others as long as we are content.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ringling Bros. PLEASE be hiring!

I can't handle the lunacy, it should be caged and put on display only for small children to get some amusement. (Also, children tell no lies, so I need a child, any child to walk up to these people and tell them that they look a damn fool)  No good comes from idleness. That is all.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's a Winter Wonderland...Sort of

Today is a gorgeous day and I intend to frolick the streets to my hearts desires.  Spring is a mere three weeks away people!!!! During last Friday's snow storm, I ventured outside not to shovel, not to play in the snow but to take pictures from the comfort of my porch. Mind you I didn't even touch the snow nor did I have  a desire to as I am beyond ready for the summer.  However, I figured I might as well document the show since there has been so much of it as late. P.S. forgive me for the lateness my computer is full of it at the moment.

God Bless you Mailman because I couldn't do it.