Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's a Winter Wonderland...Sort of

Today is a gorgeous day and I intend to frolick the streets to my hearts desires.  Spring is a mere three weeks away people!!!! During last Friday's snow storm, I ventured outside not to shovel, not to play in the snow but to take pictures from the comfort of my porch. Mind you I didn't even touch the snow nor did I have  a desire to as I am beyond ready for the summer.  However, I figured I might as well document the show since there has been so much of it as late. P.S. forgive me for the lateness my computer is full of it at the moment.

God Bless you Mailman because I couldn't do it.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha, i miss your face ma'am. so mad you didnt make a snow man!
