Friday, February 12, 2010

I know I live in NYC...

however I do not need to smell the PUNGENT fragrance of a bum as I walk hastily down the block.  Imagine happily running errands and suddenly being smacked in the face by body odor mixed with stale piss. Doesn't it just make you feel violated?  If you don't I sure as hell do. (I know someone with a fruit-phobia, perhaps I have a that possible?) Mind you, the bum was on one corner and I could smell him on the opposite corner as I made my way up the street. At first I thought it was the sewers; as I kept moving and clutching my scarf over my face I recognized the scent and began to frantically search for the person to ensure that we would not cross paths. By the way I failed miserably.  As I type this the smell still gently lingers in my nostrils and I can't handle it.  Now I'm not being cruel to the homeless, but NYC is already beyond polluted with trash and gas emissions and there is no need for additional unpleasant fragrances. Are there no places for the homeless to shower? Bloomberg we need to put some tax dollars to good use.

Update:  I'm not the only one who feels this way.  Another fragrant homeless was spotted on the F train(reading the NY Times...I couldn't make this up if I tried) and I quickly found myself on the other side of the car. (the kicker) Another homeless man comes onto the train soliciting money walks by him an says, "Geez! You could at least take a bath!" To say this made my day would be an understatement.

1 comment:

  1. LOL in times like these, I def dont miss NY. Great blog, at least I've something to read and match your voice with even though I can't see u!
